Siu Nim Tau 1.-3. Sec.

Side View


 Siu Nim Tau 1.-8. Sec. 

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  WT's Formula Chart

Wing Tsun's "Formula chart" is probably developed alongside with the Muk Yan Chong Form, to illustrate the anatomic correct positions to be "structure tested" at the Wooden Dummy.


Siu Nim Tau contains eight sections describing the 7 Joint Structure, Inside-/outside-/Diagonal- positions as Fook/Chaan punches and Jam/Taan/ Wu Sau controls, including the basic WT DNA structure necessary for the execution.


To understand the Siu Nim Tau message you must "empty the cup" to get "a little idea" about the simplicity in the human anatomy, rather than the complexity in a traditional fighting system.


Siu Nim Tau trains and tests especially the importance of the elbow joint.
Except from the actual form sequence, the movements are not coherent. Execute with full concentration and with "clarity on each point".


Setting up the 7 Joints

7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section


Lower joints - Higher joints


7 Joints Structure - (DAR)

7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section


Line of Gravity


Splitting idea - Forward

7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section


Inside Superstring - 3 Seeds of wing Tsun


Alternative lines/Directions

7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section


Diagonal Superstring variations


Closing idea - Forward

7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section


Outside Superstring


Closing idea - Receiving

7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section


Outside Superstring


Splitting idea - Receiving

7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section


Inside Superstring - Closing deflection


Coordination of DAR / WU

7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section


Full wrist rotation - Unit Circle

  Contact WT Center  


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