Unit Circle - VIDEO. 


Try as well our Wing Tsun . dk - FaceBook Page , and see latest news, previous news, older news and historical news!

Check out our YouTube Channel: WingTsun . dk

Get a fast update via Instragram:

Also find updates via Twitter: wingtsundk

WT Center Copenhagen has the aditional FaceBook groups:

Find our HERE.

Find our WT Kvinder group HERE.

Find our WT Dragons group HERE.


Darwin Tsun's ancient retro browser "DarKwin Tsun" works better/full benefit when using a PC. The Darwin Tsun universe aint fully "mobile friendly" yet.
We are of course heavely working on the matter, However more than 300 subpages, requires a lot of hours!

Never the less - It is still workable with the latest all round "cheating" adjustments, when using the scroll function.

Check "Arcade" Browser HERE.


The Darwin Tsun compendium is a dynamic reference manual, primarily for students in WT Center Copenhagen and WT Scandinavia.

Everyone can without "log in" view the full   "Green Level", ( References in "Italic" ) with the 1. Student Grade requirements, WT DNA, WT Dictionary, history etc.

log in is necessary to view the rest of the  Darwin Tsun  "universe".
Log in is handed over upon membership of WT Center Copenhagen or WT Scandinavia.

After Log in, the current held Student- / Technician Grade "opens" the associated "Levels".



Green Level
White Level
Grey Level
Blue Level
Black Level
Red Level
Sifu Level
Master Level



No Log In
1. Student Grade
3. Student Grade
6. Student Grade
9. Student Grade
12. Student Grade
2. Tech. Grade
3. Tech. Grade


The Darwin Tsun site is constantly being updated/extended regarding Forms, Student Grades, Fighting, Chi Sau etc.

Se Future Schedule HER

It is possible as well for "none members" to subscibe to a "Log In" for the compendium.

Find further information HERE.


d - 10 t - 40 m


WT Center Copenhagen have always all Seminars and Summer Camps scheduled per 1. januar.

Find the comming up Seminars HERE       


WT Center Copenhagen is the home of the Wing Tsun Instructors academy.

The Darwin Tsun compendium is the basic "structure tool" during the daily training.

Due to the 20 hours training during the weekdays and at the fortnight seminars, it is possible to reach the core of the system - Theoretical as practical.

With these principles, the students have the best tools for assisting/managing the classes in the future due to the common basic understanding.


Find Instructors Academy information HERE.


Here you find illustrations and descriptions of the exact requirements for your next grade.

The colored references takes you directly to the related video's, Forms, WT DNA, Dictionary etc.

The full 1. Student Grade including all references without Log In.

Green Level.

Find Student-/Technicians Grades HERE.


Illustrations and descriptions of the Wing Tsun's forms with all belonging/related video's.

The colored references takes you directly to the the same movements in related Forms, Student- / Technician Grades, WT DNA, Dictionary etc.

There are Green Level samples of the various Forms.

Find the Wing Tsun Forms HERE.

Find Video Form samples HERE.


The WT DNA is the actual foundation of the Wing Tsun system.

Here you will find illustrations of the 7 Joint Structure, Superstrings, the Unit Circle etc.

Find the WT DNA HERE.


Talking about self defense, Wing Tsun also includes the psycologic aspect before, during and after a conflict.

More than 40 years fighting expierience has developed a comprehensive "Pre Fight" compendium, which analyzes your options in various stressed situations.


Find the "Pre Fight" compendium HERE.


The various fighting exercices as Good Guy/Bad Guy, Free fighting/Chi Sau, against multiple opponents and of course the FighterClub.

Furthermore you will find "Flow Sheets" indicating Chi Sau applications matching the various situations in a fight.


Find the Wing Tsun Fighting HERE.


All Chi Sau and Chi Geuk exercices arranged in sections, and the belonging Student-/Technician Grade references.

Find the Dictionary and "Flow Sheet" references as well.


Find the Chi Sau Index page HERE.

Find the Chi Geuk Index page HERE.


Here are the traditionel Wing Tsun Weapons - Bart Cham Dao (Double Knives) og Luk Dim Boon Kwan (Long Pole).

Furthermore various options against different kinds of weapons in order to avoid serious injuries.
First of all to learn how they works, in order to avoid the most obvious mistakes and to gain a "healthy" respect.


See Weapons Index page HERE.


This is where you can find information regarding various Chinese expressions, and where they occur in the various Exercices, Forms etc.

The Dictionary is constantly being extended, updated and corrected - rarely of course!!!.


Find the Wing Tsun Dictionary HERE.



At Darwin Tsun you can find all video's, from both YouTube and Vimeo (requires Log In) arranged by the various categories as Forms, Fighting, Chi Sau etc.

Visit our YouTube Kanal, and find the latest and previous video's.
Hit Subscribe, allowing you a fast path.


Find the Darwin Tsun Video Guide HERE.

Visit our YouTube Channel HERE.

  Contact WT Center  


Find us HERE.


WT  Center  Copenhagen

Østbanegade 55  -  2100 Cph. Ø  -  +45 33313672


Allan Jensen
+45  20 88 83 71

Lars Murholt
+45  30 12 18 06


Arb. Landsbank: 5358 - 0000243701     Mobile Pay: 305350

FaceBook:  Wing    -



Østbanegade  55