Fook / Wu   Closer/Splitter
Closers - Splitters
Closer/Splitter   Jam / Chaan

Closing/Splitting Arms


There can be only Closing or Splitting arms.

There are only three optimal/healthy "overall" arm contacts in between two persons. Outside contact, Inside contact and Diagonal outside contact (Superstrings). The last physical option - Diagonal inside - has no possible control, and will only be delt with in the Biu Jee sections.

All outside positions are Closing arms

All inside positions are Splitting arms

All diagonal (outside) positions are Splitting arms

Biu Jee - All diagonal (inside) positions are momentary Closing arms

From Fighting Stance, the rear leg has in principle "two arms" - one Closer /one Splitter and one DAR / one WU - no matter whether the body moves forward or being moved backwards.
The Closing arm which is adjacent to the power/rear leg will always cross the "principle Attacking Line" prior the action/rotation.
The Splitting arm which is opposite to the power/rear leg will never cross the "principle Attacking Line" prior the action/rotation.

The schedule below indicates the variuos principle differences/contradictions for the Closers / Splitters




‘Always one Closer and one Splitter
when in Fighting Stance’

‘Only from IRAS there can be
Double Splitting or Closing arms’

‘Double neutral arms from IRAS
Chum Kiu 1. Section’

Adjacent Leg
Opposite Leg
No Crossing

From IRAS, which is solely a neutral training stance with two potential rear or front legs, it will be either two Splitting or two Closing arms in order to maintain balance/status qou as in Basic Poon Sau (4.C.2.).

When rotating/Short Stepping from IRAS into Fighting Stance, either forward or backwards, there will always be one Closing and one Splitting arm as DAR and WU).

‘Always one DAR and one WU
when in Fighting Stance’

‘Toes out - Knee out
    Toes in - Knee in

‘When two legs meet in a sudden impact,
the better structure will always prevail,
no matter the personal strength or weight’

Closing/Splitting Legs


The non kicking leg is the power/rear leg.

When the knee/toes at the kicking are rotated inside (Unit Circle), it is the Closing kick Bong Geuk, which aims towards the opponents opposite hip side, to protect/cut off all kicks at the inside of the front leg.
Always bring/recoil the kicking leg back as a new rear leg, in order to receive the following incomming pressure along the legs.

When the knee/toes at the kicking are rotated outside (Unit Circle), it is the Splitting kick Taan Geuk, which aims towards the opponents adjacent hip side, to protect/cut off all kicks at the outside of the front leg.
Set down the foot directly after the kick as the front leg, in order to receive the following incomming pressure along the legs.

The Front Kick from the rear leg is neutral , as it mainly closes the distance when opponent moves backwards, and therefore has no need for ankle rotation (Unit Circle), and is neither Splitting or Closing.


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