Structure Building  
"Sticky Arm"


Available ult. 2020


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section


Daan Chi Sau

Available ult. 2020


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section

Fook Sau


1.C.1 - Fook Sau  -  Daan Chi Sau:

From IRAS - A from Taan Sau - B from Fook Sau.

A attacks with Chaan , B reacts with Fook from IRAS Stance.

Available ult. 2020


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section

Wu Sau

1.C.2 - Wu Sau  -  Daan Chi Sau:

From IRAS - A from Taan Sau - B from Fook Sau.

A executes Dar , B receives/deflects with Wu Sau, and takes over the Attacking Line from IRAS Stance.


2.C.1 - Daan Chi Sau:

From IRAS - A from Taan Sau - B from Fook Sau.

A attacks with Chaan , B receives with Jam. Then B attacks with Fook, forcing A to deflect by Bong. B receives Bong with Inside Fook.
Return to starting position while maintaining pressure.

Available ult. 2020


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section

Jam / Bong

Available ult. 2020


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section

Long Step


3.C.1 - Daan Chi Sau:

From IRAS - A from Taan Sau - B from Fook Sau.

A attacks with Chaan and Short Step, B receives with Jam and Short Step. Then B attacks with Fook and Chasing Step, forcing A into Bong/Wu (B receives Bong with Inside Fook) and Long Step either forward (Chasing) or backwards depending on the pressure.
Return to starting position while maintaining pressure.

Available ult. 2020


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section

Huen Sau #1

3.C.2 - Outside to Inside  1:

From IRAS - A from Taan Sau - B from Fook Sau.

A attacks with Chaan, B receives with Huen (Outside to Inside), forcing A to do Huen ( Inside to Outside) and Fook attack, which B receives with Taan.

Available ult. 2020


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section

Huen Sau #2

3.C.3 - Outside to Inside  2:

From IRAS - A from Taan Sau - B from Fook Sau.

A presses Taan to the outside, B reacts with Oi Huen (reverse - Outside to Inside) and Chaan attack which B receives with Jam.

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