Muk Yan Chong 1.-2. Sec.

Muk Yan Chong 1.-6. Sec.

Muk Yan Chong - Full Video

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  WT's Structure Test

Wing Tsun's "Training partner" form is probably developed alongside with the Siu Nim Tau Form, in order to train the basic positions during rotation and with a proper 7 Joints Structure.


Muk Yan Chong contains of eight sections describing "triangle to square", various combinations of punching/controlling (Dar/Wu), "squared" sets of arms as the Fook/Wu Sau - Jam/Chaan, various kicking ideas, different "weapon ranges" etc.


To understand the Muk Yan Chong message you must forget about the Dummy as an actual person as in a traditional fighting system, however focus on your actual anatomically correct lines in order to obtain the most efficient transfer of energy.


The Wooden Dummy tests the primarily structure and coordination of arms and legs during limited rotation. Except from the actual form sequence, the movements are not coherent. Execute with full concentration and with "clarity on each point".


7 Joints Structure test

7 Joints Structure - Wooden Dummy 1.Section


Fook / Wu - Jam / Chaan


Structure test 7 Joints

7 Joints Structure - Wooden Dummy 1.Section


Various  Dar / Wu  combinations


7 Joints Structure test

7 Joints Structure - Wooden Dummy 3.Section


Various Outside positions


Structure test 7 Joints

7 Joints Structure - Wooden Dummy 4.Section


Noi Bong Sau  -  Side Kick


7 Joints Structure test

7 Joints Structure - Wooden Dummy 5.Section


Outside to - Diagonal / Inside


Structure test 7 Joints

7 Joints Structure - Wooden Dummy 6.Section


Po Pei upon Various  Dar / Wu  combinations


7 Joints Structure test

7 Joints Structure - Wooden Dummy 6.Section


Fook / Wu - Jam / Chaan


Alternative Footwork

7 Joints Structure - Wooden Dummy 7.Section


Rescue Step / Ghost Step - weight on rear leg


Alternative "Weapon" Ranges

7 Joints Structure - Wooden Dummy 8.Section


Taan Geuk / Bong Geuk - Push/Pull / Arms/Legs

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