Previously and parallel training Genshi-Kan Karate and Juku Ryu Ju Jitsu.
1988 - Started in WT Center.
1994 - Opened the Wing Tsun Frederikssund club.
2015 - Wing Tsun Instructor - Tuesday evening class.
2019 - 3. Technician.
My WingTsun journey started in 1988 when my older brother (Uffe Theilade, currently 1.TG Leung Ting WT & 1.TG WingTsun Kuen) and our good friend Carsten Møller (stopped at 11½ SG from WT-Center). I had previously only heard rumors of the efficiency of WingTsun and was of course a big fan of Bruce Lee.
At this time, the only WingTsun was a small club in Copenhagen at Tornebuskegade. There were no possibility of showering after training and the dressing rooms were so small that most where changing into training gear in the back yard.
My 1. Student grade was giving to me (well I hope I earned it) by Keith R. Kernspecht in February 1989.

The chief instructors were Allan Jensen and Lars Lind, with the fearsome assistants of Henning Daverne and Jacob Rihan.
The training in those days where were split into chi-sau training and combat training that made you feel sick of exhaustion every time. A black eye was the common thing at every training. The training taught you never ever to quit - no matter what – if you do – you will die! A lesson I have used many times later in my life, not only in WT but in other aspects as well.
The small but very dedicated club grew and moved to other and bigger locations at Vesterbrogade at a dancing studio.
After publicity in the national Danish television, the interest for WingTsun boomed, and we experienced a dramatic increase in number of students, so that the current premises were too small and the club moved to larger locations on Vesterbrogade and the WT-center as such was created. At that time I became assistant instructor and had my own class during the weekends.
The bond established between the WT-fighters at that time is still present (luckily some are still at the WT-center) and whenever we meet there it is always a joyful event.
At the time I worked in the city of Frederikssund that had just been named “the most violent city in Denmark” – and we thought this could be a good customer base!
In 1994 I started WingTsun Frederikssund together with Uffe and Carsten, as a satellite club under WT-Center/Dai-SiFu Allan Jensen.

The club ran successfully for a couple of years until I got a job outside Denmark had to move and entrusted the club to David Tvilling (currently Jung Soo Park, chief instructor of Korea, The Korean WingTsun Association). Luckily some students from WingTsun Frederikssund are still in WT-center, one being Niels Thorald Rasmussen, 1.TG.
After my return to Denmark again I had several attempts to re-fuel my WingTsun carrier. All with little success and only lasting shorter periods.
In 2010 my brother Uffe had picked up WingTsun again training under Dai-SiFu Allan Jensen. He convinced me of the many good changes there had been to the system since I left, and I started to join him every Saturday morning for private lessons with SiFu Lars Murholt.

12. student degree graduation

1.TG graduation
The changes to the system, the strong focus on the structure, the now evident relation between chi-sau and actual fighting was breathtaking to me. So even after my brother chose to pursue his continuing WingTsun path elsewhere, I continued my weekly beating by SiFu Murholt.
As an engineer I enjoy the scientific approach to WingTsun (hence also the naming of and feel on my own body that the techniques feel natural and thereby are effective. The system today thereby has a perfect balance of Body and Mind.

When I started with WingTsun I was at an age of 16 one of the younger ones. Today at 45 I am one of the old guys! A development I have enjoyed as the thrill, passion and enthusiasm of WingTsun only has grown over the years. As a husband, father of two and leading my own company the time for WingTsun is not enough, therefore I enjoy even more so the continues learning curve from my SiFus and from time to time passing the knowledge on to other students may they get the same enrichment in their life’s that WingTsun has given to mine.